Our President, Rich McClelland |
Fred Allos checking in with Lynn McClelland and Joe Martin |
Our Server Samantha McClelland |
Steve Barchus |
Our Vice President, Jeff Chapel |
Phil Teem & Bob W Campbell |
Phil Teem |
Harry Kwiatkowski |
Brian Domin |
Dee Smith |
Brian Domin, Chris Hampton & Dee Smith |
Anthony Gidcumb with Mike Burdett |
Vickie Weber & Nesi Seidl |
Topher Malburg |
Chris Wilson |
Brian Domin, John Upham, Paul Duff, Rich McClelland &
Chris Hampton |
Walt Paton |
Mary Ann Schick & Brian Domin |
Paul Duff & John Upham with Chris Wilson in the background |
Peggy Pollock |
Rich McClelland presenting Chad Chapel his High In of 120 for
the 3rd Division plaque |
Carol & Mike Dobek tied for the High Out of 86 for the 3rd
Division |
Phil Teem with High Total 01 Outs of 30 for the 3rd Division |
Mike Dobek with High Total 01 Outs of 30 for the 3rd Division |
Mike Dobek with High Total Outs of 41 for the 3rd Division |
Brian Bradshaw with his High Cricket Outs and Total Outs for the
3rd Division plaques |
Andria Milez and Lynn McClelland working with the Raffle
tickets |
Don Paton with his team's (Auburn Bar #3) 2nd place finishing
for the 3rd Division plaques |
Carol Dobek, Mike Dobek, Stu Pilcher & Brian Bradshaw (Airway
Lanes #2) finished 1st place in the 3rd Division. |
Lisa Jones High Out (138) for 2nd Division |
Jacquelynn Boughner accepting her husband Michael's Hi In of 128
for 2nd Division plaque |
Jesse Hanley of Christi's Bar #1 with his High Total 01 Outs and
his High Total Outs for 2nd Division plaques |
John Paul Rea, Dave Wilke & Jesse Hanley of Christi's Bar #1
with their 1st place finish of the 2nd Division plaques |
Chris Hampton of the Weal Inn and Harry Kwiatkowski of Airway
Lanes #3 tied for High in for the 1st Division of 160 along with
Jeremiah Millar of American Legion #2. That's Jeff Essenburg in the
background |
Harry Kwiatkowski, Mark Henry and Mickey Shivers with their 2nd
Place in 1st Divion (Airway Lanes #3) plaques |
John Findlay and Scott Arkless with their team's (American
Legion #2) 1st place finish in the 1st Division plaques |
Brian Bradshaw had the men's highest improvement from last
season percentage of 18.94% |
Lisa Jones had the women's highest improvement from last season
percentage of 16.08% |
Chris Hampton & Ron Burrows with their 180 and 9 Mark
certificates |
Chris Hampton with his 180 & 9 Mark certificate |
Mike Burdett with his son's 180 certificate |
Dee Smith, Harry Kwiatkowski, Jacquelynn Boughner and John
Rumney, the 1st place team of the Phil Seidl 4-Man Hi/Lo Tournament |
Rob VanGordon, Jim Govan, Lynn McClelland & Joe Martin |
Mike "Milo" Domalik at the line |
Chad Chapel, Chris Hampton & Jeff Chapel |
Phil Teem, Mary Ann Schick & Brian Domin |
Steve Barchus & Dave Smith |
Samantha McClelland |
Walt Paton, Christine Paton, Adam Paton, Ken Hughes, Mrs Mike
Rider and Ruben Flores talking to Pat Whalen |
Rhea Thomas |
Paul Duff, Harry Kwiatkowski, John Rumney, Dee Smith & Rhea
Thomas |
Mike Dobek |