Michael Abbott
NODA's ADO Representative |
Holly McCarthy, the Captain of Duckett's Pub #3 with Michael
Abbot of Tommy T's #1 |
Harold Bilbey & John Judge of Duckett's Pub #3 |
Tony Gidcumb of
Airway Lanes #3 |
Scott "Whoop" Carney of Duckett's Pub #1 with Debbie
Snelling of Airway Lanes #3 |
John Rumney, the Captain of Tommy T's #3 |
Ron Burrows with Randy Whalen, his Captain of Tommy T's #1
talking to Bill Swanson of American Legion #2 |
Mike Williams of Auburn Bar with Bill Swanson of American Legion
#2 |
Jim Govan with Christine and Captain Don Paton of Tommy T's #2 |
Harry Kwiatkowski, Nesi Seidl, Jacquelynn Boughner, Dave & Dee
Smith |
Harry Kwiatkowski & Sue Dykes |
Helaine and David Hulsman with Samantha Heikkila and Dave Merz,
the Captain of Duckett's Pub #2 |
NODA Rules Chair Person, Lynn McClelland with Statistician, Joe Martin |
Dave Smith of American Legion #1 |
Chad Chapel, Ron Levinowsky, ?, Keith Byrd |
John Findlay, Tony Gidcumb, Holly McCarthy and Chris Hampton |
Rich McClelland - the NODA President |
Steve Barchus of Cherry Hill Lanes #1 with Dot Skarritt of The
Weal Inn |
Dave and Dee Smith |
Sue Dykes, Mary Ann Schick, Rhea Thomas and Chris Hampton |
Jeff and Chad Chapel with Tom Childers |
Scott Carney, Holly McCarthy, Michael Abbott and Harold Bilbey |
Our good friend Chris Wilson stopped by to say Hi |
Helaine Hulsman, Jacquelynn Boughner, Harry Kwiatkowski, John
Findlay and Randy Whalen |
Rich McClelland & ? |
Nesi Seidl presenting Tony Gidcumb the Phil Seidl Tournament
winning Plaque |
Nesi Seidl presenting the winning Plaque to both Tony Gidcumb
and Keith Byrd |
Floyd McClelland in deep thought |
Michael Boughner - Hi Total Outs (27.5) for Division 3 |
Jacquelynn Boughner - High Out (100) for Division 3 |
John Upham - High Total Cricket Outs (22.0) for Division 3 |
Don Paton - High Total 01 Outs (19) for Division 3 |
Nesi Seidl, Jacquelynn and Michael Boughner of American Legion
#3 - 2nd Place team in Division 3 |
Rich McClelland presenting the 1st Place Team Plaques to Jim
Govan, Don and Christine Paton of Tommy T's #2, Division 3 |
Mike Evans - High 01 Out (139) and High Total 01 Outs (37) for
Division 2 |
Vickie Weber picking up the Plaque for Rod Roenicke's High Total
Outs (47.5) for Division 2 |
Scott "Whoop" Carney - Hi in (120) for Division 2 |
Vickie Weber with Tory Gould of Airway Lanes #2 |
Scott Carney, Rory Medina, Scott Burgess, Tony Tanascu & Randy
Tanascu of 1st place team in the 2nd Division - Duckett's Pub #1 |
Harry Kwiatkowski - High Out (156) and High Total 01 Outs (32)
for Division 1 |
Jeff Essenburg - Hi In (142) for Division 1 |
Jeremiah Millar - High Total Cricket Outs (35.0) and High Total
Outs (55) for Division 1 |
Jeff Chapel, Ron Levinowsky and Keith Byrd of Cherry Hill Lanes
#1, the 2nd Place Team in Division 1 |
Don Wrathell, John Findlay, Jeremiah Millar and Bill Swanson of
American Legion #2, 1st Place team in Division 1 |
Jeremiah Millar - High League 01 Average - 66.56 |
Tony Tanascu and Vickie Weber - High Total Improvement from Last
Season. Tony 14.21% & Vickie 8.82% |
Chris Hampton - 180 |
John Findlay - 180 |
Michael Abbott - 180 |
Mike Evans - 180 |
Rich McClelland - 180 |
Jeff Essenburg - 180 & 9 Mark |
Jeremiah Millar - ADO Singles Cricket Championship Winner and
(7) 9 Marks |
Sue Dykes - ADO Singles Cricket Championship Winner |
Rhea Thomas - 180 |