Incentive for bringing in new or returning players
Beginning with the Winter Season of the 2009/2010 Dart Year
Bring in new players and we'll deduct $10.00 off your dues for the year per new player if the new player signs up for both the Fall and Winter Seasons at the beginning of the Fall Season. The amount allowed towards your yearly dues for a new player that signs up for either the Fall or Winter Season only will be $5.00.
Bring in a whole new team for
the year and get your dues paid for that year.
A team consists of a minimum
of 5 players (4 players and you). A minimum of 4 players on your new team
must pay for the whole Dart Year.
A "New" player is a player that has not shot in our League before or a returning player that has not been a member of our League within the last 3 years.