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The meeting started at 8:03 with these people in attendance: Mike & Carol Dobek, Joe & Sher Martin, Mary Ann Schick, Michael Abbott, Rhea Thomas, Jim Govan and Lisa Jones. Jeff Chapel, Vickie Weber and Lynn McClelland were all excused.
The Treasurer's Report was read and approved (Mike dobek, Michael Abbott).
The Secretary's Report was read and approved (Mike Dobek, Michael Abbott).
Old Business: Joe handed out business cards to all the Board members to leave at local businesses to try to bring in more dart players for the League.
New Business: Joe will be reimbursing John Findlay for Jeremiah Millar's League entry fee. (Lisa jones, Michael Abbott). Jeremiah only played once and that was to sub for John.
ADO Business: The new format for the Women's Qualifier will be:
6-11 Women
1 Woman
12-17 Women
2 Women
18-23 Women
3 Women
Also, for those who won the Local Qualifier last year and could not participate due to cancellation of the Regional Qualifier, they will have the opportunity to attend next years Regional event. However, if the winner cannot attend next years Regional event, then the second place winner from last years Local Qualifier will go in their place. (Carol Dobek, Mike Dobek).
Mike Dobek ordered the meeting over at 8:20 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jones
NODA Secretary
The meeting started at 7:35 with these people in attendance: Jeff Chapel, Mary Ann Schick, Lynn McClelland, Joe & Sher Martin, Vickie Weber, Mike & Carol Dobek, Lisa Jones and Michael Abbott.
Treasurer's report was read and approved (Mary Ann, vickie).
Secretary's report was read and approved (Vickie, Lynn).
Old Business: Excel Score Sheets: When using Excel score sheets both captains must agree to use Excel or you can not use it! Also if score sheets are lost electronically the home team will be penalized. (Rule 3-C). We suggest using a paper copy also as an alternate solution to back up lost electronic sheets (Vickie, Michael).
New Business: We will be giving a donation to Toys
For Tots (Michael, Lynn).
Joe will be making business cards or a flyer to
hand out to try to bring in more dart players.
Youth League: Vickie is going to schedule a meeting with the parents and the kids to discuss the time, day and location. The Board will disscuss the details more at the next meeting.
ADO Business: Due to the lack of participation the Cricket Regional event was cancelled. The Board has decided to hold onto the entry fees and send those winners to the Cricket Regional event next year providing they are members of the League in good standing the following year (Michael, Jeff). In the case where the winners from last year cannot attend Regionals the Board will rule at the next meeting whether to send the next player in line. The League will still hold the Local Qualifier this year for the rest of the League and those winners will also advance to the Cricket Regional event.
Jeff Chapel ordered the meeting closed at 9:15 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jones
NODA Secretary
The meeting started at 7:41 with these people in attendance: Mary Ann Schick, Vickie Webber, Jeff Chapel, Lynn McClelland, Mike Dobek, Sher & Joe Martin, Michael Abbott and Lisa Jones. Carol Dobek was excused.
Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved (Jeff, Lynn).
Treasurer's report was read and approved (Lynn, Mary Ann).
Old Business: Good sportsmanship is still our focus. Captains please keep spreading the word. The Board will have a zero tolerance in this matter.
New Business: Both captains must look over score sheets prior to signing at the end of the night. Last Monday there was an issue with the score sheets. After completing a cricket game the wrong name was circled as the winner which meant the actual winner did not receive the point or cricket out. This matter was brought to the Board and after both teams requested the change and some discussion we decided to award the game point and cricket out to the rightful winner. (Jeff, Michael Abbott). *Depending on the situation, once both captains sign off on the score sheets they are in agreement that those sheets are correct* The Board will not always overturn mistakes, so be sure to check before signing. Also, when scoring sheets with Excel on the computer, both captains must have access to Excel or the computer cannot be used. At the end of the night the Home team captain must Email copies of the score sheets to Joe Martin and also the opposing team captain. Failure to do this will result in a 2 point penalty. (Rule 3-C)
Jeff Chapel ordered the meeting over at 8:42 pm (Vickie, Lynn).
Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa Jones
NODA Secretary
The meeting started at 7:53 pm with these people in attendance: Mary Ann Schick, Lynn McClelland, Vickie Weber, Jeff Chapel, Michael Abbott, Mike Dobek, Lisaa Jones, Sher & Joe Martin and Will Morgan. Carol Dobek was excused.
The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved (Jeff, Vickie).
The Treasurer's report was read and approved
(Lynn, Vickie).
If Joe buys anything that pertains to the League out of his own pocket, the
League fund must reimburse him (Jeff, Lynn).
Old Business / New Business
According to Rule #4 in the Rules packet "Good sportsmanship shall be the prevailing attitude in all N.O.D.A. events. Any failure of sportsmanship will result in disciplinary action (suspensions) by the Board. This rule includes the use of profanity within earshot of other participants and patrons. An individual or team may be barred from further play in the League without refund of fees paid to N.O.D.A.".
Last year was the worst year for sportsmanship complaints and the Board will have zero tolerance this year in this matter. Board members, please lead by example and spread the message to all team captains. Poor sportsmanship reflects on the League and can cause losing of dart venues and also team members.
The meeting ended at 8:27 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa Jones
NODA Secretary
The meeting started at 7:30 with these persons in attendance: Carol/Mike dobek, Sher/Joe Martin, Lynn/Floyd/Rich McClelland, Jeff Chapel, Rhea Thomas, Vickie Weber. Michael Abbott Was excused due to illness.
The Minutes from the 3/5/13 meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer's Report was read and approved.
Joe prepared a yearly duty for the year for the stats. Basically what he does on a yearly basis. He would like two other people to learn how to do it. Carol Dobek showed interest in this. He also proposed next year's dart season dates.
Joe has had some computer issues and has it in for repair. The Board voted to pay the repair for him as he mostly uses the computer to do League work. Joe will reimburse himself from our account.
There was no old business.
New Business: Vickie suggested that no money totals or players names with negative comments associated to them be part of the Board Minutes. Currently, Joe does not post any money totals on the web site.
Rich suggested that we raise the sponsorship fees to be given directly to Joe to help pay his salary. After hearing his earlier stats for the year report he makes very little an hour. Rich also asked permission to have a shoot for Tigers Tickets at the Banquet with the money going to Relay For Life. The Board ok'd this.
There was an Airway/Loon Lake team squabble. Mike Dobek spoke to them about their issues but the Airway team forfeited their last 2 weeks of play and are not returning to NODA.
Jeff had a question on the Dummy Rule. A playeer was very drunk and wanted to use the Dummy Rule to finish his night. A heated discussion ensued and Jeff decided that being too drunk to play darts was no reason to use the Dummy Rule. What did the Board think? We agreed with Jeff.
The Youth League banquet will be on April 20th at Airway.
We discussed with Sheila from Airway about the Banquet. She changed the catering price per person. Thanks Sheila
The meeting ended at 9:00 pm
Sincerely, Rhea Thomas, NODA Secretary
The meeting started at 7:30 with these persons in
attendance: Mike and Carol Dobek, Lynn McClelland, Joe and Sher Martin,
Jeff Chapel, Michael Abbott, Vicki Weber, Mary Ann Schick, Rhea Thomas.
The minutes from the last meeting were read and approved
(Vicki, Lynn).
The treasurers report was read and approved (Lynn,
Michael). There will be a sum of $220. taken out to send Rob Mason and
Andria Milez to the regional "01 ADO shoot. There will be $38. added for
Andria playing in the winter session. These 2 are not part of the total of
the account as of yet.
New Business
The end of the Year banquet
will have new caterers. We will set it up for 70 persons at an estimated
cost of $16.95 a person. The banquet will include Chicken Piccata, Ham,
Fettuccini Alfredo, Cheesy Potatoes, Salad and 1/2 carrot and 1/2 cheese cake.
ADO report per Michael Abbott
The format used in the 501
ADO shoot out took to long. He had 2 men play while another chalked.
He would not do it this way again.
John Anderson left thinking the tournament was ended.
There will be no sanctions against him, but all that play MUST expect the day to
be long. There was a total of 24 players, 14 men and 10 women (half to
total of women in the league). Michael would like to send persons on a %
basis in the future. He asked the board to brainstorm on alternative money
sources to help defray the extra cost to the league if this is done. Right
now we send one for every full 8 that play, one man and one woman.
Suggested sign up meeting at Duckett's next year.
Joe will put a new section on our web site. It will
be a venue Q&A. This will be printable for the venue to print and hang for
all to read.
Old Business
Mike Dobek finished his code of
conduct letter and presented it before the board. It was well received by
all and will be put in the Sportsmanship area of our rules and a copy included
in the each captains package. Good work Mike!!
Hardship dart idea was not liked
by Joe or Jeff as it would be too hard to distribute fairly.
Bereavement funds will stay at
$25. for now.
Hall of Fame suggestion per Mike
Burdett is Paul Arsenault. The idea will be thought of. Do not need
to induct any Hall of Famers for each banquet.
Boards at venues have been
corrected. Clansman fixed it so boards can be rotated. Paint Creek
fixed both boards and floor area. Boomers will move the boards after their
remodel. Auburn bar replaced some boards. The Weal Inn has new
boards and a new hardwood floor.
Youth League
The youth league
shirts/sweatshirts in and modeled by Michael. Nicely done!! The
league is growing with many changes afoot!
The meeting ended at 9pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhea Thomas, NODA Secretary
The meeting started at 7:30 pm with these persons in attendance: Mary Ann Schick, Joe & Sher Martin, Lynn McClelland, Carol Dobek, Vickie Weber, Rhea Thomas, Jessica Booth, Debbie Snelling, Will Morgan, Phil Teem, Dave Booth Jr, Lisa Jones, Kim Heckman and Michael Abbott. Barb Roberts and Mike Dobek were excused.
The Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved (Mary Ann, Jeff)
The Treasurer's report was read and approved. (Lynn, Michael) We have received 4 new players fees.
New Business:
There have been complaints about ?? behavior at our venues.
Grabbing, inappropriate actions and excessive drinking. After some
discussion it was decided to suspend ?? until she could show up before the
Board for discussion. The date for this meeting is 2/20/13 at 8 pm at
Meanwhile, ?? will play in place of ?? until there is a discussion about ?? at the meeting. If ?? wants to play after that and ?? is still allowed to play, ?? will have to pay for this season in full.
Duckett's Pub may be moving the boards by the door to the back of the bar.
The League will donate $25 in memory of Jesse Hanley.
The boards at Airway are off by about 1" and will be corrected at the close of this meeting.
Old Business:
There are many board maintenance issues at the venues. They were called.
Clansman will try and fix their issues, Paint Creek issues cannot be fixed,
Auburn Bar cannot be contacted and Christie's Bar just needs to be able to
rotate their boards. Lynn will write letters to all of them.
The Moe Crook Tournament will be held at Airway Lanes on 2/16/13. Doors open at noon and Tournament starts shortly thereafter.
A fund for hardship dart players, case by case, was suggested. There may be a 50/50 drawing to supplement it at the banquets. (Cancelled)
Raffle tickets are needed before the next banquet. They are $7.00 for a double roll through Airway.
Mike Dobek was asked to write a Code of Dart Conduct and is currently still working on it.
The Youth League is going well.
The meeting ended at 8:53 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Rhea Thomas, NODA Secretary
Those present at 7:40 were Sher & Joe Martin, Mike & Carol Dobek, Jeff Chapel, Lynn McClelland, Vickie Weber, Michael Abbott, Mary Ann Schick and Rhea Thomas.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved (Vickie/Lynn).
The Treasurer's Report was read and
approved (Lynn/Vickie).
- Boomers lost a team and will get 1/2 of their sponsorship fees back.
Old Business--
Caterers from Banquet were fired!!
Airway may have new carpet
Sheila thanked us for our support of Airway and is interviewing new caterers.
It was discussed about having new players evaluated per their ability or known ability.
It was reported that the board at the Clansman Pub is horrible. Boards should be to code within 30 days at any venue if NODA sees that they are not to code. This also includes Auburn Bar which has some problems. New boards can be bought thru Meullers in bulk for $25.00 for 4 plus shipping. We need to check legalities of all boards at all venues as soon as possible.
There were complaints of bad language and inappropriately thrown darts at the banquet from a few of our players. These incidents were discussed with those involved. No action will be taken by the NODA Board at this time but there will be no tolerance shown in the future.
We will try to find a letter written to Fred Allos in '09 or '10 concerning his boards.
The Meeting ended at 9:00 pm. The next meeting will be 2/5/13 at airway. It will start at 7:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Rhea Thomas, NODA Secretary