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Those in attendance were Rhea Thomas, Mary Ann Schick, Michael Abbott, Mike
Dobek, Vickie Weber, Rich McClelland, Lynn McClelland, Joe Martin, Sher Martin.
Jeff Chapel was excused.
The Treasurer's Report was read and accepted.
The Minutes were read and accepted. Lynn 1st then Rhea 2nd.
Division Reports: 1st Division - some complaints.
Moving 2 teams up and 2 teams down from each Division. The Board
decided to do this based on teams.
Banquet: Raffle - C&M gift certificates (2 @ $35.00), $100 cash, A
membership for next year.
Food confirmed with Dad's Deli and Sheila Kaer. The Youth League will be
selling 50/50 tickets again this year from 12:00 to 1:30.
There will be a Woody Shoot at 10:00 am sharp. No late entries.
Hall of Fame suggested candidates: Stu Pilcher, Mary Ann Schick and Auburn Bar.
New Business: The Moe Crook Tournament will be February 18th at Airway Lanes starting at Noon.
Rich will not be running for President next term. Jeff Chapel would be a great President for our League.
Trailer - A Motion was made that Rich and Samantha McClelland's dart dues are to be paid as long as they are storing our League Trailer. Michael Abbott motioned and Mike Dobek 2nd the Motion.
The Meeting officially ended at 8:24 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Vickie Weber,
League Secretary
Those present were: Mike Dobek, Joe & Sher Martin, Lynn McClelland, Rich
McClelland, Michael Abbott, Jeff Chapel, Vickie Weber and Mary Ann Schick.
Rhea Thomas was excused.
The Treasurer's report was read and accepted.
The Minutes were read and accepted.
Auburn Bar has an illegal board. Lynn wrote a letter that will be mailed. That illegal board may not be used for League play until corrected. Complaints from teams brought this situation to the Board's attention.
The Youth League is all good. Shirt sales will start after the first of the year. Adults are now playing the long games and letting the kids shoot the shorter games in the upper divisions.
Motion made: Trophies to be purchased for all the little kids playing. Mike motioned and Lynn seconded the motion.
Old Business: None
New Business: Don Engel's team will be going into the 3rd Division should they come back this winter. The decision was made on that because they finished in last place in the 2nd Division last year and they don't shoot the Fall League.
The February 7th meeting will be a Captains meeting and 1st Division meeting. This will be to discuss and hear what 1st Division would like to see changed. 1st Division players have been invited to bring their ideas in writing for the Board to review for possible changes in the Fall.
There was a motion made that all proposals must be in writing to be considered by the Board. Lynn motioned and Vickie seconded the motion.
Rule Change - Rule amendment: Rule 10-E allows games to be played out of order. If a player shoots in too many games the penalty will be the point value of the highest point game played.
The ADO Cricket 2nd Chance Tournament held on November 5th was probably a one time thing as we only had 6 shooters for the event.
The Midyear Banquet dinner will be at 5:30 pm for 80 people with a $15.00 guest dinner fee.
The menu is set - Chicken Marcela, Roast Beef, Salad, Rolls, Fettuccini Alfredo, Cheesy Hash Brown style Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole and 1/2 Carrot 1/2 Chocolate Cake for dessert.
The next meeting will be at Mary Ann's house for our Board Christmas party.
The meeting ended at 8:46 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Vickie Weber,
NODA Secretary
Those present were: Joe & Sher Martin, Michael Abbott, Vickie weber, Rich
McClelland, Lynn McClelland, Rhea Thomas, Mary Ann Schick, Jeff Chapel & Mike
The Treasurer's Report was read and accepted.
The Minutes were read and accepted.
Youth League: The Board agreed to let youth shooters 18 years and up to participate in the Moe Crook Tournament and our League Banquets. Youth shooters may NOT participate in any Luck of the Draw Tournaments at our banquets. Lynn McClelland made this motion and Michael Abbott seconded it.
Youth shooters may participate in ADO events.
Mike Evans will be checking out the boards in our venues.
Vickie Weber and Jeff Chapel will be splitting the duties of 3rd Division Coordinator. (All of our Division Coordinators are in the 3rd Division)
There was discussion about moving the former team of Bourbon Jakes team into 3rd Division if they join the Winter League because they finished last in 2nd Division in the Winter 2020/2011 season.
There has been discussion about average differences in the 1st Division teams. Holly's team is not happy in 1st Division.
The Cricket Regional Tournament is November 5th at Westwood.
The 2nd chance Cricket Qualifier is $10.00 per entry and is for
current League members only.
Joe Martin made the motion and Lynn McClelland seconded it.
Web survey - check it out.
Stu Pilcher did not get nominated to the National Darts Hall of Fame as the oldest player.
The meeting closed at 8:45 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Vickie Weber, Secretary
Those present were: Rich & Samantha McClelland (Hosts), Lynn McClelland, Joe & Sher Martin, Mary Ann & Bob Schick, and Rhea & Dale Thomas. Excused were: Jeff Chapel, Michael Abbott & Mike Evans. Vickie Weber was texted with no response.
Joe read the Minutes from the last meeting from the computer. They were accepted as read.
The Treasurer's Report was read and accepted. We need to order more score sheets for the Fall League start up.
Harry Kwiatkowski would like to see 301 games replaced with more team
games. This idea will be tabled for the following reasons.
1. The Rules would have to be reformulated.
2. The Score Sheets would have to be changed.
3. The computer program currently being used would have to be changed.
Please write legibly on all score sheets so Joe can do the stats in a quick and accurate manner. He thanks you in advance :)
Donation - New Business: It was discussed and agreed to that in the event
of a death of a League member or an immediate family member, $25.00 would be
donated from our League to the worthy cause of the family's choice. We
will do this at the end of this year for those who have found themselves in this
unfortunate situation so far in 2011. Three were discussed.
1. Floyd Chapel (both sons in League)
2. Sher & Joe Martin's daughter (Anita)
3. Tom Lowry's memory
On a lighter note - Stu Pilcher may become an inductee in the National Hall of Fame for Darts!! Congrats Stu!!
The meeting ended with thanks from all to the McClellands for their hospitality, great burgers and friendship.
Respectfully submitted (in the absence of Vickie Weber),
Rhea Thomas
Those in attendance: Rich McClelland, Joe & Sher Martin, Lynn McClelland, Mike Evans, Vickie Weber, Rhea Thomas, Mary Anne Schick & Jeff Chapel.
The Treasurer's Report was read and accepted.
The Minutes were read and accepted.
The WDA was sent a check for the balance of the 2009/2010 State 01 Tournaments.
Division Reports - All Divisions were good. No problems.
New Business: The Lutz Curry 1st round to be played early to eliminate 2 rounds at the Banquet.
Youth League: Max will be selling 50/50 tickets at our banquet.
The Kids Banquet is Build your own Sub for food. Bring a dish to pass.
There will be a new format for next year.
The Banquet will still be giving a free membership. We have increased the number of meals up to 70.
The Banquet is set and ready. See you all there.
The meeting ended at 8:35 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Vickie Weber, Secretary
Those in attendance: Rhea Thomas, Joe & Sher Martin, Mary Ann Schick, Mike Evans, Lynn McClelland, Vickie Weber, Floyd McClelland, Rich McClelland & Jeff Chapel.
The Treasurer's Report was read and accepted.
The Minutes were read and accepted.
State 01 - Estimates amount to be returned to WDA. Joe will send a letter by certified mail. Motion passed.
NODA running its own tournament will be tabled till the Fall.
Division Reports - All Coordinators said all was good.
The menu for the banquet is: Chicken Marcela, Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Fettuccini Alfredo, Salad, Rolls, Cake (1/2 carrot and 1/2 chocolate. 60 people - 5 pm.
The Lutz Curry might be making a change in nights played. No grace period.
Nominations for the 2011/2012 Board are open.
The Youth League is struggling but here.
Hall of Fame inductees for this year were selected.
The Banquet Raffle prizes were selected.
The meeting closed at 8:33 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Vickie Weber, Secretary
7:30 pm - Those in attendance: Joe Martin, Sher Martin, Vickie Weber, Rich McClelland, Jeff Chapel, Frank Benning, Mike Evans, Lynn McClelland, Rhea Thomas and Mary Ann Schick.
The Treasurer's Report was read and accepted.
The Minutes were read and accepted.
Division Reports: All Divisions were good.
Duckett's Pub - Missing lines for some of it's boards. Mike Williams will take care of that with Wmo.
Chuck Rivet is very sick and in the hospital at U of M. Keep him in your prayers.
The Youth League lost a team in 1st Division.
The State 01 Tournament will be the first of May.
All Star ADO events are scheduled for April 2nd and April 17th.
The money for the State 01 still not settled from the 2010 Tournament.
Players are requesting the 1 point system again. The vote will not happen till a much later date.
The Hall of Fame suggestions are: Joe Martin, Jana Baringer, Paul Arsenault and Stu Pilcher.
New Business: Complaining from players about Venues and the other patrons. Airway has a solution for their Venue. They will move Steel Tip matches downstairs. Bars have to make money.
The Menu for the next banquet to be set at next meeting.
Next meeting is March 1st at Airway Lanes.
The meeting closed at 8:34 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Vickie Weber