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7:28 pm - The meeting started with the following people in attendance:  Joe Martin, Sher Martin, Vickie Weber, Rich McClelland, Mike Evans, Rhea Thomas, Mary Ann Schick, Michael Abbott.  Jeff Chapel and Lynn McClelland were excused.

The Treasurer's Report was read and accepted.
The Minutes were read and accepted.

Division Coordinators 1-3 had nothing to report.

The Youth League is good but a lot of make-ups not done.  Stats will stand as is.

WDA wants NODA to be part of the State 01.  The League voted "No".

The ADO Report was read and accepted.

The Hall of Fame guidelines and nominations at mid year.  The League accepted this idea.

Bar Rounds Stopped - Old Business: Bar letters sent out about stopping Bar rounds.

New Business:  Jeff will bring laminator to banquet.

Menu: Chicken Marcela, roast Beef, mostaccioli, green beans, salad, rolls, potatoes, cake 1/2 carrot and 1/2 chocolate.  80 plates ordered for dinner at 5:00 pm.

The Moe Crook Tournament is on February 19th.  Starts at Noon at Airway Lanes.

Banquet Prizes: $100.00 check from League, Free Membership, 2-$35.00 gift cards from C&M Darts.

Mike will be at the banquet with dart supplies.

8:27 meeting closed.
Party time - Merry Christmas!!

Respectfully submitted
Vickie Weber


Those in attendance: Mike Evans, Vickie Weber, Joe & Sher Martin, Rich McClelland, Rhea Thomas, Michael Abbott, Lynn McClelland, Mary Ann Schick and Jeff Chapel.

The Treasurer's Report was read.  The only change was the check written to ADO for Cricket event.  Jacquelynn Boughner & Jeremiah Millar will be going to the Regional Tournament.  Ron Burrows or Mike Evans will be going if Jeremiah can not.

The Minutes were read and accepted.

Div 1 - Mike Rider called Rhea and added a new player.  The money was given to Mary Ann Schick.
Div 2 - Nothing
Div 3 - Nothing

Midyear Banquet - it was suggested that we introduce your League Coordinators.

Youth League - a lot of makeup games to happen....been a real struggle getting players in on Saturdays....due to etc.

Hall of Fame - possible shooters and venue to nominate were named.

Bar Round letters to be written and mailed by Vickie.  The discontinuance will take place in January 2011.

Lynn had a problem with a 1st Division player at Airway Lanes.

Airway issues - Mondays are too crowded to use all 3 boards on glass wall.

Michael Abbott may have sponsors to help with the ADO events.

Plaques are $8.50 ea.

Tournament - Youth/Adult in the spring.
Questions for Frank: Are we going to have boards back up downstairs for our Banquet or do we need to bring portables?

December meeting the 7th at Mary Ann's house.  Bring a dish to pass and a gift.

The meeting ended at 8:37 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Vickie Weber



Those in attendance: Joe Martin, Mike Evans, Rich McClelland, Lynn McClelland, Rhea Thomas, Jeff Chapel, Vickie Weber, Mary Ann Schick. Michael Abbott not excused.

7:31 pm
Treasurer's Report was read and accepted.
Minutes from last meeting were read and accepted.

Division Reports
Division 3 - Nothing to report
Division 2 - Nothing to report
Division 1 - Nothing to report

Boards in our venues are being checked and measured to make sure they are ok.

Youth League: Candy bars are a potential fundraising idea for them this year.  We have fewer kids but do have a few potential new players.

Rich is working on "Hall of Fame" with Mike Burdett.

Still a question as to who will be printing our 30th anniversary shirts.

Chain of command needs to be used.  If you get a call make sure the chain of command was followed.

$100.00 in new player incentive fees was paid back.

December meeting @ Mary Ann's house.  Bring a $10.00 gift and a dish to pass.

Bar rounds - Eliminate them and then venues could use that money for boards and markers and help them out during this financially difficult time.

Vickie will write letters to venue owners and managers.

Mike Burdett' going away party at Duckett's around Nov 15th.  Rich will get us the information

Jeff to look into face plates for awards plaques instead of single plaques.  This idea will be tabled to later date.

Meeting ended @ 8:40 pm

Minutes submitted by
Vickie Weber


The meeting started after a wonderful meal at Rich & Samantha McClelland's home at 1:50pm.  Those in attendance were Rich, Samantha, Floyd and Lynn McClelland, Joe and Sher Martin, Michael Abbott, Mary Ann Schick and Rhea Thomas.  Vicki Weber was excused due to her work schedule.

Treasurer report exactly the same as last meeting. No ingoing or outgoing funds per Joe.

The Minutes, per Vicki Weber, were read by Joe.  They were accepted with one addition - "Rhea Thomas was excused from the May 5th meeting."

Rhea Thomas is now the 1st division Coordinator and Mike Evans is the 3rd division Coordinator.

New business:  
Rule Change - Joe would like to move the following rules to more appropriate areas in the rules.  No word changes will take place.
1.  Rule 8c (about 180 being witnessed) will be moved to Rule 5-C (awards).
2. Rule 13b (home forfeit penalty info) will be moved to Rule 9-B (other forfeit rules).
All persons in attendance agreed with his suggestions and it will be printed as stated for the fall league distribution.

Tommy T's is up for sale.

Michael Abbott questioned whether we will have 30th anniversary shirts available.  Everyone thought it was a great idea.  Vicki Weber and Holly will be asked about deals and availability of our needs, such as colors, styles, price, quality and sizes.  The possibility of having the oak tree w/ the dart splitting it was mentioned.  We have had patches with this on in the past.

Also, Michael mentioned getting a booze sponsor to help NODA send people to the ADO special shoots.

Rich is thinking about how the Hall of Fame should be set up.  Suggestions were that the candidate must be in darts for 10 seasons /5 yrs minimum. If they are nominated and don't get in, they cannot get nominated for 2 years.

8/9/10 is sign up
9/13/10 is start date for darts

There is a money issue resulting from the state '01.  Noda will be talking to Bill Penn and Jerry Manville.

The meeting ended at 2:40  thanks Rich and Sam for hosting!

Respectfully submitted,
Rhea Thomas, for Vicki Weber



Minutes for May 5, 2010

Those in attendance Joe & Sher Martin, Vickie Weber, Rich McClelland, Lynn McClelland, Jeff Chapel, Mike Evans, Michael Abbott.  MaryAnn and Rhea excused.

7:33 meeting started.

Minutes from last meeting were read and accepted.

Treasury report read and accepted,

Bill Penn still has $550 in monies collected for sponsorships plus t-shirt sales. State 01 tourney monies still not finalized. Wolverine league will need receipts to show for their expenses.

State Youth Event- talk of NODA running an entire youth event next year instead of State 01 we have tabled this till fall.

Joe has all financial sheets in excel and can email those out to us.

Incentive $ for new players Mike Evans and Lynn McClelland donated theirs back to the youth league. (thank you)

End of year banquet went very well. Hall of Fame inductee family's were very pleased. Presentations were emotional but overall great. Plaques were admired and well liked.

We have several possibilities for the spots of division coordinators: Steve Pincombe, Rhea Thomas, and Nikki Roenicke are all willing to do this.

Dartboard Inspector's position has been eliminated for the time being, division coordinators will be checking all the boards. Rod Roenicke will be given 1/2 a year paid next season due to the board eliminating this position.

League talked about purchasing board check lines. Jeff will check into the cost of this. Tabled till next fall.

Rule changes Michael Abbott brought up some rules that we may want to consider changing, player option to play rule applied to Moe Crook and Lutz Curry,

All Star Qualifiers had excellent turn outs.

ADO corporate sponsors Michael Abbott brought up a suggested $500  sponsorship  to help cover the cost of ADO players being sent. Suggestions were sponsors were get advertising on our site, Joe to send Michael  net stats.

Luz Curry players are to have played their 2 games by game 5 and be present no later then game 3 if they wish to play for the night.

Ken Hughes was upset over the SOT rule.

Debbie Snelling was talked to about her behavior by Lynn McClelland, Lynn will still be writing a letter to her.

Scott Burgess will not be getting his free membership next year. He missed too many meetings with no calls to the board prior.

Late July early August meetings for the summer:
July 24th meeting @ Rich's house around noon bring a dish to pass.
We will be fixing boards and setting the signup meeting.

Meeting ended 9:30pm

Respectfully Submitted,



The meeting began at 7:30 with these persons in attendance: Rhea Thomas, Rich & Lynn McClelland, Vickie Weber, Michael Abbott, Mike Evans, Jeff Chapel, Joe & Sher Martin, Mary Ann Schick and Jacquelynn Boughner.

The Treasurer's report was read and accepted.

Bar Round - The issue of drink rounds was discussed.  It is not the bar's responsibility to give a bar round.  It is their choice to give one.  A letter will be going to Debbie Snelling stating this fact.  She did not represent the NODA, herself or the spirit of sportsmanship by giving Airway Lanes staff a hard time on this issue.  Lynn will write the letter.

Also, there is only 3 minutes, per the Rule 2-G-a, in between dart shots taken and a reasonable time in between games played.  This does not mean 20 minutes.  There has been some leniency taken in this area and it borders on unsportsmanship.

Youth League Report:  The League is doing great and they need baked goods for the '01 shoot this weekend.  Please have them at Airway Lanes by 11:00 am.

The End of the Year Banquet has no menu changes.  We will add a Bull Shoot during the Banquet for $1.00 entry fee.  We plan to eat by 5:00 pm.  We will raffle off a $100.00 Visa Card, a membership to NODA and 2 Gift Certificates to C&M Dart Supply.

The Hall of Fame plaques have been picked and are very nice.  Each one is about $50.00.

The State '01 needs plaques of which the cost will be about $250.00.  There is only 12 person signed up to stay at the hotel the shuttle will be frequenting.  Do we need the shuttle?

All Star Eligibility - Eligibility for the All Star Tournament was discussed.  For next year's Rules it was decided that the player either has to be an active team member or pay a full years dues to be eligible. This was tabled until next meeting.

The meeting ended at 9:03

Respectfully submitted,
Rhea Thomas, NODA Secretary


Those present: Michael Abbott, Mike Evans, Vickie Weber, Joe Martin, Rich McClelland, Floyd & Lynn McClelland, Jeff Chapel, Frank Benning, Rhea Thomas.  Mary Ann Schick excused due to illness.

The Treasurer's report was accepted as presented.

Minutes from the last meeting were accepted as read by Rhea Thomas.

Mike Evans asked why our Cricket Shoot is on 5/2/10, after our year end.  Time parameters and schedules of other local events was the answer.

Youth League (Vickie Weber): The 1st Division no longer has a Bye due to a team returning.  The Youth will be selling 50/50 tickets and having a bake sale at the State '01 Tournament.  Most of the Youth plan on attending the State '01 to shoot in the Youth Events.  Two more adults may be needed.  The Youth only made $39.00 on their bottle drive.

Rule Change - Darts will be cancelled when the weather shuts down OCC (Rule 9-C).  This will avoid a call out to all on the League.

Vickie Weber suggested a new dart tournament - a Steel Tip/Soft Tip Tournament!  All found it an interesting concept!

There is a hotel problem for the State Tournament due to a bowling tournament using the closest hotel.  The next closest is in Pontiac.  A shuttle will possibly be available.

The three game rule was discussed.  In the case of a dummy being used, he can be replaced by a real person with the Ok of both Captains and a note at the bottom of the sheet so Joe is aware. (Nothing was decided)

Michael Abbott discussed the possibility of a misread shot by the chalker (Chalker says one thing and in reality it is another).  What should be done?  We tabled this for a month and feel that what the chalker says will stand.  The ADO will review this question in April.

SOT rule talked about.  Is ADO Rep part of the Board?  Yes!  Can you request a new chalker?  Maybe chain of command reiterated: talk to player about problem, then Captain, then Div. Coordinator, then Board.

Hall of Fame - Rich McClelland discussed the Hall of Fame.  After some discussion these 5 will be entered.  Moe Crook, Lutz Curry, Phil Seidl, Larry Kantzer and Mike Burdett (Shhh - don't tell Mike!)  In order to be in the Hall of Fame a 2/3 majority of the board is needed.

The Meeting ended at 8:47.  The next meeting will be on 4/6/10 at Airway at :30.

Respectfully Submitted,
Rhea Thomas, NODA Secretary



Those present at the meeting are as follows:  Joe & Sher Martin, Rich McClelland, Michael Abbott, Mary Ann Schick, Rhea Thomas, Barb Roberts, Debbie Snelling, Vickie Weber, and Carol Dobek (representing Mike Evans).  Jeff Chapel was excused.

New Business:
The Treasurer's report was read and accepted.

The Minutes from the last meeting were read and accepted.

There were no Divisional Coordinator reports.

Reminder of upcoming dates were - Moe Crook on Feb 20th at Duckett's and the End of the Year Banquet at Airway on May 1st of this year.

Board inspection report (Vickie for Rod Roenicke) - All boards checked so far are ok.  American Legion and Cherry Hill still need to be checked.

Youth League - (Vickie Weber) - They are having a bottle/can drive.  Please bring bottles to the January 20th Youth League shoot.  The 1st Division currently has a Bye.  Vickie and Jeff would like to fix this.

Michael Abbott is challenging the Youth to beat him at a 501 game.  If they are successful they earn a set of Dart Cards.  They also may get shafts or flights for special accomplishments.

Michael Abbott would love suggestions for his "Did You Know" section of our stats.  He would also like his dart mail (ADO, State 01, etc.) directed to Rich McClelland as he plans to move in the near future.

Old Business:
State '01 (Michael Abbott) - The flyer for sponsors is complete.  At least 15 sponsors are needed.  The hotel information is also needed.
There has been another event added.  On Saturday morning there will be an Adult/Youth shoot.
The registration table will always have 3 persons attending it.
This will be a non-smoking event.

There was no sign of the Moe Crook trophy at Collier Lanes per Rich McClelland.  Rich was kind enough to look for it.

Hall of Fame Discussion - Those that are behind the scene will be considered Ambassadors.  Suggestions for Hall of Famers:  Mike Burdett, Ken Hughes, Phil Seidl, Lutz Curry, Moe Crook and Larry Kantzer.
Suggestion for time parameters for Venue and Ambassadors to receive this award was 5 years.

The next meeting will be on March 2, 2010 @ 7:30 at Airway Lanes.

Respectfully submitted
Rhea Thomas, NODA Secretary


The meeting started at 7:30 with these persons present: Rich, Floyd and Lynn McClelland, Jeff Chapel, Mary Ann Schick, Joe and Sher Martin, Mike Evans, Vickie Weber, Michael Abbott and Rhea Thomas.

The Treasurers report was read and accepted.

The Minutes were read and accepted.

Youth League (Vickie) - All is status quo.  Their new season play starts Saturday, January 16.

The Stereo was returned to the League by Sandi Quaine.  No chafing dish at this time.

Rich will look for the Moe Crook Trophy at Collier Lanes.  We haven't had it for some years.

Michael Abbott reported on the All Star '01 Local Qualifier.  A date has been set for the weekend of April 17th at Airway.  Also, the possibility of a cricket tournament for May 8th.  Michael also brought up the need to let the chain of command do its job when problems arise during the nights play.  Questions should first be directed to your Division Coordinator, then Rules Chairman, Then choice of other.

The current coordinators are:
1st Division - Mike Evans
2nd Division - Mary Ann Schick
3rd Division - Scott Burgess

All had fun at the Banquet.  A suggestion is to have dinner at 5 pm instead of 6 pm (as it was this year) because many League members were very hungry and vocal about this fact.  The change was accepted by all at the meeting.

Rich suggested the League begin a NODA Hall of Fame.  The first 4 persons will be the names of our current Special Tournaments.  Possible qualifications to be discussed fully after Michael Abbott checks a few things on the Internet.  Ideas are to have one from each of these areas - Shooter, Venue and Ambassador.

The Meeting ended at 8:45.  The next meeting will be at Airway Lanes on 2/2/10 @ 7:30.

Respectfully submitted
Rhea Thomas, NODA Secretary