NORTH OAKLAND DARTING ASSOCIATION STANDINGS THRU 11/15/04 Fall - 2004/2005 SEASON Week #9100 Total Members 49.42 League 01 Average 44 Equal/Better Than Average 56 Below Average
Division 1 This Week Total |
Division 2 This Week Total |
1 Auburn Bar #2 22 212 2 Wagon Wheel #3 19 182 3 American Legion #1 14 169 4 Auburn Bar #1 0 117 5 Orion Eagles 11 100 6 Rumors 17 91 |
1 American Legion #3 21 183 2 C&M Darts Emrld-Q#1 16 156 3 Emerald-Q #3 12 151 4 Emerald-Q #2 17 139 5 American Legion #2 16 134 6 Suz's Bar & Grill 17 128 |
Division 3 This Week Total |
1 Wagon Wheel #1 20 180 2 VFW Post 1370 #2 20 130 3 Emerald-Q #4 7 116 4 American Legion #4 17 113 5 Wagon Wheel #2 10 97 6 VFW Post 1370 #1 7 93 |
Click on the Links Below |
Comparison to Last Season | ||
Thanks to everyone for getting their sheets in to me early and for using the new Excel sheets.
Auburn Bar #1 Forfeits to Rumors, Wk 9
If you make a mistake on your score sheets please don't over write the number. Draw a line thru the incorrect number and write down the correct number next to it. Many times I can't tell what the correct number is when you keep writing over the wrong one trying to correct it. This is especially true when you Fax your sheets because the Fax just takes a picture of the page in Black & White.
When you Fax or Scan your sheets please only use the Originals.
Thank you.
Current High League 01 Average Colin Bielby - 69.61 - High 01 Average For Tonight Dave Maxim - 89.67 Bob Skornicka - 76.25 Bill Swanson - 72.62 Chris Wilson - 71.9 Tom Childers - 68.27 - High % Above Own Average For Tonight Dave Maxim - 53% Andy Pinner - 25% Tom Childers - 24% Bill Swanson - 22% Mike Barnett - 21%
Larry SantAmour - 100 Bill Laimbeer - 140/100/100 Donald Wrathell - 100/100/100/100/100 Donald Wrathell - 100 + 120 IN Marc Bernadotte - 100/100 Ruben Flores - 140/121 Lyle Brown - 140 Jeff Essenburg - 100/135/100 Mike Rider - 118 Bob Skornicka - 100/137 Allen Brown - 100/100 Dwain May - 100/100/121 Shawn Lantzy - 120/100/100 Chris Wilson - 100/100/100/134/100 Chris Wilson - 100/100/140/100/140 Mark Martin - 115 Bob Smith - 140 Andy Pinner - 133 Mike Barnett - 140 Justin Thomas - 140 Dave Turner - 100 Lynn Paton - 100 Ron Levinowsky - 117 Keith Byrd - 100/140 Tom Lowry - 100/100 Paul Duff - 100 Chuck Rivet - 100/140/100 Mike Evans - 100 Dave Maxim - 159 Sherri Stewart - 100/100 Tom Childers - 125/100/140 John Findlay - 100/100 Mark Childers - 100/121 Scott Meeks - 100/100/118 Colin Bielby - 100/100/100/100/100 Colin Bielby - 100/100 Tony Bradford Sr - 100 + 114 OUT Bill Swanson - 100/140