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Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm at the VFW on Oakland Ave., Pontiac.

Members Present:  Mike burdett, Tim McQuillan, Lynn & Rich McClelland, Bryan Snyder, Tom Bates, Mike Shipley, Laura Zess, Kathy Perigo, Chris Wilson, Jim Endres, Shirley Swanek and Joe Martin

Treasurer's report was read and approved.

The past due phone bill has been worked out and Tim has enough information to verify.

A big thanks to Jule, Chris, Bryan and Lynn for the NODA shoot at the Front Row.  It was a great day for all.

Discussion about setting up the Jerry Donley MDO Tournament at the Wagon Wheel.

Shirley brought to the attention of the Board that the new format for the 4th Division was wrong.  Chris made a motion that it be changed as follows:

a)  5th game - 501 - 2 players
b)  8th game - 401 - w player
c)  7th game - 701 - 3 players
d)  11th game - 501 - 2 players

If the teams do not change the score sheet it will be scored as is.  The motion was seconded by Mike Shipley and the motion carried.

Mike Shipley made a motion that ties on position week continue to be done as in the past for now.  Seconded by Chris Wilson.  Motion carried.

The Moe Crook Tournament is March 5th at the Wagon Wheel for the 5th Division.

Midyear is Feb. 4th.  Mike Burdett made a motion that past members with an average be allowed to participate.  Tom Bates seconded and the motion carried.

Midyear Captains meeting will be Jan 3rd at the Wagon Wheel.

Paul Arsenault to be warned about missing meetings.

Next meeting is Jan 3rd at 7:30 @ the Wagon Wheel.
Submitted by Lynn McClelland


Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm at the VFW on Oakland Ave, Pontiac.

Members Present:  Mike Burdett, Tim McQuillan, Lynn & Rich McClelland, Bryan Snyder, Tom Bates, Mike Shipley, Laura Zess, Kathy Perigo and Joe Martin.

Tim and Mike Burdett got together and have worked out some of the problems.  We will only have to pay for the monthly usage of about $100.00.

New Score sheets to be made for the 4th Division as per Joe's information.  Old score sheets will be returned for next years 5th Division.

Midyear Banquet - Rich & Lynn to make chili for sale.  In need of 10 new boards.  Rich to bring a stereo and run it so that whoever wins the stereo to be raffled can leave before end of the night.

Need to check on beer prices 3 - 1/2 kegs of Bud and 1 - 1/2 kegs of Bud Lite.

Format for Midyear:
a)  4 man to be played first - sign up from 12 - 12:45 and start at 1:00 pm
b)  2 man to start at 3:00 pm
c)  Dinner at 5:00 pm
d)  Luck of the draw at 6:00 pm start time at $5.00 entry fee and $1200 payout
e)  Non-members being allowed to play was tabled.

Patches - Joe Martin is to send out 180 and 9 Mark patches as they are shot in the Captains Stats.

Larry Donnelly MDO shoot was a bust.

Challenge Match - Discussion of a possible match against Lapeer and Flint

Bryan made a motion that we send out flyers on the Nov. 20th NODA shoot at the Front Row to other Leagues at a cost of not more than 445.  Motion seconded by Kathy Perigo.  Motion carried.

Moe Crook Tournament for 5th Division will be March 5th, 1995 at the Wagon Wheel if possible.

Boards to be taken care of by Nov 20th, 1994.

Mike and Tim will take care of the membership to ADO at another breakfast meeting.

Committee to meet on discussion concerning our ideas about WDO and BDO

Dec 6th and Jan 3rd meetings to be held at VFW at 7:30 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm
Submitted by Lynn McClelland


Meeting was called to order at 7:39 pm at the VFW on Oakland Ave., Pontiac.

Members present:  Mike Burdett, Tim McQuillan, Lynn & Rich McClelland, Chris Wilson, Mike Shipley, Tom Bates, Laura Zess, Paul Basigkow, Joe & Sher Martin.

Treasurer's report was read and accepted.

Secretary's report was read and accepted.

Tim and Mike will get together on Thursday, Oct 6, 1994 to try to resolve the problem of the outstanding phone bill.

Tom Bates made a motion that the 4th Division change their format back to the same as last year as of Nov. 28, 1994.  The motion was seconded by Chris Wilson.  Motion carried.

Midyear Banquet will be Feb 4, 1995 at the K of C Hall in Lake Orion.

End of Year Banquet on April 15, 1995 will have the same catering service.

The hostile attitude and foul language problem was addressed and decided that it must be curtailed.

Board Repair - We need to get all boards to Paul Arsenault for repair and storage by Oct. 23rd at 12:00 for a work party.

MDO Tournament at Front Row on Sept 22, 1994.  Sign up at 11:00 am

Plans next year to possibly change the number of teams in each division as the teams and player quality is greatly improving.  Get your ready for discussion at a later day.

Lutz Curry will start March 27, 1995 and be completed at Banquet.

Lynn made a motion that we hold off on buying large prizes for the NODA Tournament on Nov 20th to be held at the Front row.  Seconded by Mike Shipley.  Motion carried.

Motion by Chris Wilson to adjourn at 9:50 pm.  seconded by Mike Shipley.  Carried.

Next meeting Nov 1, 1994 at 7:30 pm at the VFW.
Submitted by Lynn McClelland


The meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm by Mike Burdett.

Members Present:  Mike Burdett, Rich & Lynn McClelland, Laura Zess, Joe Martin, Tom Bates, Chris Wilson, Bryan Snyder, Mike Shipley, Kathy Perigo, Tim McQuillan, Paul Arsenault and most Captains of the teams.

April 15th, 1995 decided on for the Year End Banquet to be held at the K of C Hall in Lake Orion.

The past due phone bill is still a problem.  Mike Burdett will again try and talk to Steve and Marge to see what information they might have if anything.

Everything that was tabled at the previous meeting will be brought up at the Oct. 4th meeting.

Joe and Tim are to meet to up the teams and their addresses.

Teams can sign up until the 18th of Sept. but must pay before they play their first match.

Board will meet at Tim's house on Sept. 18th at 2:00 pm to put the packets together.  Bring a dish to pass.

Joe to call all Captains to tell them to pick up their packets on Sept. 19th at the Front Row.

Mike Shipley will coordinate the New Players shoot.

Bryan and Chris will check boards at all venues.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm
Submitted by Lynn McClelland



Members Present:  Mike Burdett, Chris Wilson, Kathy Perigo, Mike Shipley, Tom Bates, Shirley Swanek, Paul Arsenault.
Others Present:  Dan Whitmier, Jule Keller, Lora Zess, Bryan Snyder

Mike read Bylaws to new members of the Board.

The Treasurer owes Kathy Perigo $1.05 for new calendar.

Rule Change
Chris Wilson and Paul Arsenault went through rules and made wording more ledgeable to read and understand.  Chris went over a few of those changes.

a)  Starting and finish of ADO Rule 22 will replace rule 2-C of the NODA rules.
b)  Rule 9-C will have the following added to it.  Team will get 1/2 total pts plus 1 or they get total no. of pts divided by the total no. of matches played.

All changes will be told to all Captains and Co-Captains at the meeting on the 29th of Aug.

Capt - Co Capt meeting Aug 29th, 1994 at 7:30 pm at the Wagon Wheel in Lake Orion.  Board members will meet at 6:30.

Split Season - Discussion of a possible split season was brought up and tabled until the 94-95 season is well underway.

Kathy Perigo was voted in and approved to be stand-in secretary when Lynn McClelland is not present.

Youth League - The possibility of forming a Youth League was brought up by Bryan Snyder.  He was given an OK to look into all prospective possibilities and is to get back with the Board on a plan.  The motion was made and permission was granted by the Board.

Paul Arsenault brought ADO scholarships up for the Board to decide on being able to generate funds to donate for our possible Youth League.

Chris Wilson will give all members of the Board a job description.

Paul Arsenault brought a motion for the Board to have at least 2 bids for the printing of the score sheets.

Next Board meeting will be September 6th at 7:30 pm at VFW or possibly Joe Martins.  Members to be informed.

New members again this year MUST be qualified before first night of play.  Bryan Snyder will be available the week following the Captains meeting on the 29th at Downtown Lounge.  Also, Kathy Perigo will be available to help out at Brandon's Landing.


Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm.

Those attending:  Al Halley, Joe Martin, Mike Burdett, Tom Bates, Chris Wilson, Mike Shipley, Kathy Perigo, Paul Arsenault, Tim McQuillan, Rich McClelland, Lynn McClelland and Sher Martin.

The Treasurer's report was read and accepted.

It was suggested that we try to get the K of C Hall in Lake Orion for the Midyear and the End of the year Banquets.  The break for deer hunting will be only one week this year on Nov. 14th.

Everyone was to look for some possible new venues.  It was also suggested that the 1st and 2nd Division games be the same with more singles.
Shorten - In the 5th Division it was brought to the Boards attention that we need to find a way to shorten the length of the playing time.

Age - From now on you must be 21 years old to play in the League but those who have played in the past year and have not reached the age of 21 will be allowed to continue with the League.

The All Star shirts are to be replaced for Jeff and Susie.  Paul and Chris were to look at and review the rules for any changes, etc.

The next meeting is at the VFW on July 12, 1994 at 7:00 pm
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm
Submitted by Lynn McClelland



Board members present:  Mike Burdett, Tom Bates, Shirley Swanek, Dan Whitmire, Kathy Perigo, Rich McClelland, Lynn McClelland, Marge Froling, Joe & Sher Martin, Tim McQuillan, Val Leach, Bob E Campbell, Bryan Snyder, Floyd McClelland

Eight dart boards were sold to the Front Row after the MDO shoot @ $20.00 a piece.

Guest Bob E Campbell wants to set up a singles summer league.  5 games cricket, 5 games 01.  Entrance fee, this will be discussed at a future meeting.  inquiries in the League to find out how much interest there is.

ADO All Star shoot April 17, 1994.  Women will shoot at the Front Rom and the men will shoot at the Downtown Lounge.  The doors will open at 12 noon.  Matches will start at 12:45 pm.

Challenge of the Champions May 7, 1994.  The Board will sponsor 2 men and 2 women at a fee of $5.00 per player.  Each player will be responsible for their own fee.  Those interested will be contacted at the ADO All Star shoot.

Bryan Snyder will be working with the League for MDO and ADO shoots so as not to coincide with NODA tournaments.

Brackets for Lutz Curry were made up by Joe Martin.  Coordinators will call Captains and inform them of which venue they will shoot out of.

All problems to be taken up with Division Coordinators.  They will be discussed at length in future meetings.

Lutz Curry brackets decided with a toss and 12st one to fall will play Monday April 11, 1994.

Plaque of Recognition to be awarded to Ray Weyland and Ken Hughes.  They will be presented at the Year End Banquet.

1st and 2nd place trophies for all divisions.  Tickets will be needed for all drinks and dinner.

The Moe Crook tournament for 5th Division will be shot at the Press Box April 24, 1994 at 12 noon Sunday.

The next meeting will be at the VFW, May 2, 1994 @ 7:30 pm



Midyear Captain's meeting

Members present:  Mike Burdett, Tim McQuillan, Rich McClelland, Kathy Perigo, Shirley Swanek, Dan Whitmire, Val Leach, Joe Martin, Marge Froling.

End of Year Banquet will be held at the Waterford Eagles May 7, 1994.  Hall rental is $450.00.  Food is being catered by an outside source.  Lutz Curry finals will be played at the Banquet.  Doors open at 11:00 am.

Secretary, Vice President and Rules Chairman positions will be voted in a private ballot on the day of the Banquet.

Moe Crook Tournament will be shot by 5th Division only.  The date will be decided at a later date.  The venue will be the Press Box (the old Green Parrot)

ADO All Star shoot is April 17, 1994.  The women will shoot at the Front Row?  The men will shoot out of the Downtown Lounge.  The fee will be $10.00 per player.  The NODA has guaranteed to send 2 men and 1 woman.  1 person out of 10 that register will to to regionals.

New 180 and 9 Mark patches have been ordered.

Changes in score books for next year - Visitors on the top and Home on the bottom.

One week for hunting and two off for the Christmas Holidays.

Next meeting April 5, 1994 at Catalina Lounge @ 7:30 pm



Members present:  Mike Burdett, Kathy Perigo, Rich McClelland, Tim McQuillan, Shirley Swanek, Dan Whitmire, Val Leach, Tom Bates, Al Halley.

The rental of K of C Hall has been paid for the Midyear Tournament.  12 trophies were ordered for 2 man and 4 man 1st & 2nd place.  Mike will price meatballs, buffalo wings, 14 oz cups for beer, paper plates, silverware, napkins, mushroom soup.  Shirley and Val will take in money and take care of the signing up.  Cube van has been rented. A deposit of $150.00 was made and mileage will be paid.  Tom Bates and Dan Whitmire will load boards.  Rich McClelland will pick up beer and bring to the hall.  Raffle for dart boards, stereo, 50/50 also a 50/50 for charity.

Bull shoot and dunkers darts to be run while matches are in progress, winner take all.  Kathy and Sher will run the kitchen.

Treasurer will start to keep a higher balance in checking than in savings for outgoing business.

After Feb 28, 1994 no new players can be added to the League.

Midyear Captain and Co-Captain meeting to be in March.  Discussion will be on any changes needed for each Division to better the playing format.  Also, election of officers at the Yearend Banquet.

Moe Crook Tournament will be for 5th Division only.

Board members received their NODA shirts.

Next meeting to be announced by phone.



Members present: Mike Burdett, Al Halley, Tim McQuillan, Tom Bates, Kathy Perigo, Rich McClelland, Lynn McClelland, Joe & Sher Martin, Marge Froling, Shirley Swanek, Dan Whitmire, Val Leach.

We as a Board of the NODA have got to look seriously at the attitude of our present sponsors or prospective sponsors.  There is definitely a need to generate a commitment for steel darts.  This could become a problem for steel darters in the North Oakland area in the near future.

Catalina Lounge and Collier Lanes brought a dispute before the Board to be resolved.  Catalina Lounge had to leave before the end of match.  Points will not be given to either team for games not played.  Reschedule to finish match!  Play out remaining games next time they are scheduled to play each other.

The Board decided to rent a Ryder truck to transport portable boards to the Midyear Tournament.

Al Halley requested score sheets for Paul Arsenault's team.

Next meeting at the VFW on Feb 1, 1994 @ 7:30 pm