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Board Members Present: Mike Burdett, Paul Basigkow, Kathy Perigo, Marge Froling, Shirley Swanek, Dan Whitmire, Steve Trottier, Rich McClelland, Al Halley, Tim McQuillan, Joe Martin.
The Board elected to deposit $1,500 in savings account to insure enough monies to start next season. Steve Trottier also gave a financial report to the Board.
The Board recommended that League members ?? and ?? be allowed to move to another team due to personality clashes on current teams.
Kathy Perigo and Marge Froling talked to Oakland Ale to straighten out confusion of player roster. Hopefully this has been taken care of and everything will run smoother from now on.
A Pro league will be sponsored by the NODA. All Captains have been notified and will get back with Mike Burdett. Mike and Joe Martin will set up schedule and venues. The best out of 21 games, a 501 format, a $50.00 fee and cash prizes to the winners.
Next meeting Jan 5, 1993 at the VFW @ 7:30 pm
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
Board members present: Mike Burdett, Dan Whitmire, Kathy Perigo, Paul Basigkow, Al Halley, Joe Martin, Marge Froling, Shirley Swanek, Steve Trottier, Tim McQuillan.
Captains of Savoy Lanes and Green Parrot #2 to be notified that the boards at Stan's Dugout have been corrected and that the Board does not recommend a rematch. Protest fees were returned to Randy Rhodes on 11/24/92.
Steve Trottier will purchase a new tape recorder for the League call-ins as soon as possible.
Saturday Feb 6, 1992 Midyear Tournament at the Lake Orion K of C Hall. The League will buy meat balls and wing dings. The members will bring a dish to pass.
The Board discussed the possibility of Divisions 1 & 2 playing same format. 3 & 4 playing 3rd Division format and 5th Division playing 4th Division format.
Fifth Division to be given choice of either taking average or having make-up games with new team to give new team starting points. The teams involved with this choice are Collier Lanes 2 and Oakland Ale 1 & 2.
Next meeting at the Green Parrot, Dec 1, 1992 @ 7:30 pm.
Members Present: Mike Burdett, Al Halley, Steve Trottier, Tim McQuillan, Rich McClelland, Kathy Perigo, Dan Whitmire, Shirley Swanek, Marge Froling, Mark Schneider.
The Board received a letter of resignation from John Theobald, which was placed in the records for future reference.
Due to an infraction of a format rule by The Front Row #2 the rules committee will meet and decide what action to take against the offending team. (One player played in 7 games)
The Board voted on the 5th Division position night agenda. The last place team will be given an average for that night's shoot.
The Captains for last years League play will be asked to bring any leftover score sheets and envelopes to the Midyear Captains meeting. Joe Martin will be making a note on future stats.
Mark Schneider visited the Board meeting to ask about a possible charity donation shoot or tournament. He was requested to get all facts and possible arrangements together and meet with Mike and Al at a later date.
The Midyear Tournaments are again under way. The Board is hoping for a larger purse. There will be a lot of advertising through the stats and posters placed in the venues. The Tournament committee will not shoot in order to run a smoother and earlier event. The possibility of an MDO representative running the Tournament was also discussed. Sponsor participation would also be an option looked into. Tentative date at the K of C Hall in Lake Orion will be Feb 6, 1993 (Saturday).
All Halley, Marge Froling and Kathy Perigo will hold a seminar for the 5th Division Captains to enlighten them on the score sheet procedures and to also field questions.
The League Tournament stands are to be refurbished before the Midyear Tournament. Oct 17, 1992 at 1:00 pm has been set at Paul Arsenault's unless otherwise notified. Mike will also examine dart boards to see if any have to be replaced.
Next meeting will be on Nov 3, 1992 at the VFW @ 7:30 pm.
Enrolment of teams
A total of 39 teams were signed up for League play and 15 Venues with a total of
approximately 200 members.
A phone was installed at Joe Martin's home for League call in purposes #887-3217. A line has yet to be made available by General Telephone but they have promised to have it completed by the time the League starts.
John Theobald has resigned as League President due to work obligations. The League has requested a letter of resignation for our records.
Al Halley was appointed Vice President and he has accepted the position. The Board approved the appointment September 12, 1992.
Phone calls, personal funds and a 18 cent per mile for gas mileage will be reimbursed by the League for League business.
Rule Change - New members coming into the League will start at an average of 40 unless they establish one.
All new venues and venues that have moved their setup will be examined by the Board to make sure they are legal before the new year starts. Brandon's Landing, Daiquiri Dicks, Oakland Ale, VFW, Hurling Green and Stan's Dugout.
The League will acquire Ron Bellevill's phone # to ask about the status of the Stat program.
A special thank you has been sent to Mike Burdett's wife for helping us out with printing material needed to get the League started.
Another special thank you goes to Joe Martin for his schedule programming. What with all the rescheduling that had to be done, this would have been an impossible task without his program. Thanks again, Joe!
Next meeting will be held at Brandon's Landing Oct 6, 1992.
Members Present: Mike Burdett, Steve Trottier, Kathy Perigo, Paul Basigkow, Rich McClelland, Tim McQuillan, Al Halley, Dan Whitmire, Shirley Swanek, Marge Froling.
The Board reviewed the Minutes for Aug 4 and discussed the material that was sent to Captains and Venues.
Steve Trottier has talked to printer and new score sheets will be printed as soon as possible. Steve also changed Banks with Board approval to the T&C Credit Union ad their banking hours are more convenient. IRS is sending forms to give us a tax exempt status. The Incorporation has been updated by our attorney. The fee will be $50.00.
Marge received a check of $25.00 for printing and the purchase of 50 manila envelopes.
Rule Change - An amendment to the rules on what teams move to a higher division was made. The following will be placed in the new rule books: 1st place winners will move up a division. All others will be moved if average of their team warrants it. Motion was carried and will be named Amendment #1.
Next meeting will be the sign up meeting Sept 8, 1992 at the Front Rom @ 7:30 pm. The Board will hold a short meeting after this is completed.
Members Present: Mike Burdett, Paul Basigkow, Steve Trottier, Kathy Perigo, Rich McClelland, Dan Whitmire, Shirley Swanek, Marge Froling.
As of this meeting the Board Minutes will be mailed as soon as possible to the Board members.
Paul Basigkow to hold meeting with the Rules Committee to revue the rules and bylaws.
The Board decided to table the Cricket to 12 until a later date.
Coordinators to contact John Theobald or Mike Burdett if any problems arise during the League yeaar.
Shirley and Marge to meet at the Boat Bar Aug 8, 1992 to format posters to send out to the venues (This has been done)
Marge to buy 500 envelopes for the League. (This is done at a cost of $156.00)
Marge to mail info to Captains. This will include year end financial report, sign up sheets and starting dates. (This has been done)
Steve to order score sheets as soon as possible.
Mike to contact John Theobald about printing of Rule Books.
Joe Martin to be asked if he will be a Trustee.
Steve to inquire about changing banks. Also to inquire about incorporation status.
New tapes to be purchased for answering machine before the new season.
Next meeting Aug 18, 1992 @ 7:30 pm at the Green Parrott.
Members Present: Mike Burdett, Paul Basigkow, Joe Martin, Rich McClelland, Kathy Perigo, Marge Froling
Joe Martin has programmed a schedule maker for the League. This will save the Board members many hours work. We the NODA Board thank you, Joe! We are grateful for your dedication and expertise.
Score sheets to be corrected for Divisions 2, 3 & 4 before they are taken to the printer for the new league year.
Rich McClelland to be a Division Coordinator. The div to be decided after the sign up and placement of League teams
Sign up and Capt Meeting to be held at the Front Row Tuesday, Sept 8, 1992 at 7:30 pm Marge to notify the Front Row of meetings scheduled at their venue.
Board to discuss possibility of introduction of new game, Cricket to 12 and person hitting the out gets credit.
Posters for sign up to be made up by John Theobold and posted in old and new venues as soon as possible.
Possible new venues for new League year are Brewbakers, Oakland Ale and VFW on Oakland Ave.
Copies of sign up sheets to be sent to venues with new year information. Marge to make up copies. Griff's and Mr. Bigs to be sent info.
Tentative dates for upcoming events in the League year to be discussed at the next meeting.
Next meeting to be held at the Front Row, Tuesday August 4, 1992 @ 7:30 pm.
Members Present: John Theobold, Kathy Perigo, Paul Basigkow, Mike Burdett, Marge Froling, Steve Trottier.
Financial report for the end of 1991-1992 League to be presented by Steve Trottier. This has to be sent to the Captains as soon as possible.
John Theobold to have rule books printed for new season. Steve and Mike to make an approximate count at Downtown Lounge where paper products are stored. Score sheets also to be counted for an approx. count.
Marge to purchase approximately 50 manila envelopes for new year.
Waterford Eagles has $186.00 towards Banquet in 1993. Money that was due to be returned from 1992 Banquet.
Joe Martin was selected to be Statistician for 1992-1993 League Year. Joe wil be requested to keep a log of 180 and 9 Mark awards to be reported to Marge for distribution to players who earned them. Joe will also be asked to attend at least bi-monthly meetings. Address stamp will be purchased with Joe's address for team envelopes. Also, League stamp to be purchased for Secretary's use.
The Board voted for Paul Arsenault to play for free in lue of free storage of portable boards.
Mike Burdett has dart boards stored at his home. Also, Paul Basigkow has three boards in his possession.
Stamped envelopes to be purchased at Post Office. Approximately 1000 will be needed for League year.
Tentative Captain's Co-Captain's and signup meeting scheduled for Sept 8, 1992. Venue will be decided at next meeting.
Next meeting July 6, 1992 at the Boat Bar.
Members present: Shawn Jubelt, John Theobald, Trudi Seidl, Mike Burdett, Bob Myers, Marge Froling.
Shawn Jubelt and John Theobald to go over weekly standings to verify Hi ins and outs for the year. This is to ensure the right people get proper recognition in the awards.
Handicaps configured and teams drawn and venues assigned for Lutz Curry. Winning teams to call John Theobald at 887-1310. He will assign venues for the following weeks play.
Steve Trottier to make a financial report to be handed to members at the banquet.
Nancy Rhodes to be invited to next meeting to discuss final payment for her work as Statistician.
There were six teams present for the Moe Crook 4th Div Tournament. After a sudden death playoff between Club Joseph 10 and Green Parrot 3, the Green Parrott 3 team were the winners.
Flyers were sent out to all captains requesting an approximate count of team members who will be present at the Banquet. Flyers to be sent to NODA PO Box by April 18, 1992. Guests to be charged $10.00 each.
Next meeting to be at Downtown Lounge April 21, 1992 @ 7:30 pm. Plans for the Banquet will be discussed.
Members Present: Shawn jubelt, John Theobald, Steve Trottier, Ella Irwin, Marge Froling, Mike Burdett, Paul Basigkow, Paul Hebner, Trudi Seidl
Stats and standings have been tabled until a later date.
ADO All Star Shoot to be April 4th & 5th. $15.00 to be sent to PO Box by March 21, 1992. Information was sent to all captains on March 5, 1992.
Venues for ADO will be selected next meeting. Possible locations are Club Joseph, Century Bowl, Savoy or Downtown Lounge.
Banquet will be held May 2, 1992 at the Waterford Eagles. Steve Trottier will discuss particulars with manager before next meeting.
Handicap - Mike Burdett will get Hughes Handicap from Ken Hughes. Configurations will be finalized next meeting.
Next meeting will be held at Downtown Lounge March 24, 1992.
Members Present: Shawn Jubelt, Steve Trottier, Paul Basigkow, Paul Hebner, Mike Burdett, Trudi Seidl, Marge Froling.
Phone bill to be monitored for long distance calls on credit card the League cancelled. Trudi is communicating with Michigan Bell representative.
Shawn to call Nancy about Stats and Standings. The Board will assist Nancy with revamping of standings when new program is available. Brian Delore offered his help and can be reached at 852-0042.
Board Storage - Portable stands are stored at Paul Arsenault's barn at no charge to the League. Dart boards are stored at Shawn Jubelt's at no charge.
All Star shoot to be shot by May 3, 1992. Tentative dates are Saturday April 11 & 17th. There will be a $15.00 fee. Venues selected are Club Joseph, Century Bowl, Savoy, Downtown Lounge. The deadline for all fees to be in is March 28, 1992.
Lutz Curry Tournament to be shot April 13 & 20, 1992. With the finals to be shot at the League banquet. Hugh's Handicap for teams has yet to be configured.
The Moe Crook Memorial will be shot at the Century Bowl April 12, 1992 @ 12:00 noon. This is for the fourth division only. The rules have been sent to all 4th division captains.
Next Board meeting will be held at the Downtown Lounge March 3, 1992 @ 7:30 pm.
Members Present: Shawn Jubelt, John Theobald, Bob Myers, Trudi Seidl, Paul Basigkow, Mike Burdett, Ella Irwin, Paul Hebner, Marge Froling, Steve Trottier.
Rules Infraction:
4th Div Shark Club - Heather Judge - Dec 9, 7 games
3rd Div Wagon Wheel - Bill Bissett - Dec 2, 3 single games.
1st Div Hurling Green - No Call
Phone Call credit card to be cancelled due to calls being billed to League phone #. Trudi Seidl to call Michigan Bell to arrange cancellation.
Stats: A new program will be made for the league's use. Ron Belleville to remake program for statisticians to use during their tenure. This will not be for personal use and is the property of the NODA, Inc. In the future anyone keeping said program will be barred from the League and prosecuted. When new program is available the current stats will be revamped and brought up to date. Stats will stand for Midyear Tournament.
Midyear Tournament Feb 1, 1992 Saturday. John Theobald to meet with representative of K of C Hall to check kitchen facilities, utensil use, also he will purchase beer (2 kegs reg Bud, and 2 kegs of miller Lite). Mike Burdett to purchase liquor, (Vodka, Rum and Whiskey). John Theobald to check on set ups at K of C Hall. K of C bartender will be hired per agreement with K of C management.
Future Boards will make their own arrangements regarding reservations and deposits on halls and deposits will not ride from one year to the next.
John Theobald will bring sign up sheets and bracket boards needed for Tournament. Also to buy 10 oz cups for drinks.
Steve Trottier has ordered trophies for Tournament at approx $240.00.
The Tournament format will consist of Larry Kantzer Hi/Lo. 2 man and 4 man Hi/Lo. Dinner will follow consisting of a dish to pass, meat balls and chicken wings. (dish to pass to be brought by members. Meat will be supplied by League). Following dinner there will be a Luck of the Draw. A $5.00 entry fee and a payoff of 16 places = 1st place-$240.00, 2nd-$220.00, 3rd & 4th place $75.00, 508 - $40.00, 9-16 - $20.00. Total payouts = $820.00.
Ella Irwin will purchase chicken wings, meat balls, coffee, sugar, creamer and sauces needed from Gordon's.
All drinks to be sold for $1.00.
Boards Moved - Boards will be transported from Phil Seidl's to Bob Myers for maintenance. Phil Seidl to be paid in full for storage. $135.00 for nine months.
Midyear Captain and Co-Captains meeting will be held at the Green Parrot January 21, 1992.
Board members to receive 10 free drink tickets at Midyear Tournament. Doors will open at 11:00 am registration will start at 11:30 am. Cutoff time will be 12:15 pm.
Tournament Directors: Bob Myers and John Theobald.
Next meeting will be held after the Capt/Co-Capt meeting Jan 21, 1992 at the Green Parrot.