All Star ADO Cricket Singles
Championship - 2008
(For Current NODA Members
There was NO COST ($0.00) to enter
this Tournament.
Was held Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sign Up Started at 10:00 a.m.
Play started promptly at 11:00 a.m.
Both Men's and Women's
matches were held at:
4825 Highland Rd
Waterford, MI 48328
(248) 674-0424
Male Winner
Mike Evans
Female Winner
Lisa Jones
Mike Evans shot a Deadeye (3 Double Bulls)
Everyone in the League was invited.
A wonderful time was had by the 10 men and 2 women at the
Cricket All-Star qualifier on Saturday, Sept. 20th at Airway Lanes.
Lisa Jones squared off against Carol Dobek in the ladies
match. Congratulations goes out to Lisa Jones for defeating Carol.
In the men's, we had 2 groups of 5 men each in the first
round robin. The top 2 from each group would go to a 2nd round robin in
the afternoon. In the Hearts group, we had Jimmy Smith, Dave Smith, Tony
Tanascu, Mike Ryder, and Topher Malburg. Jimmy and Topher advanced to
the afternoon round robin.
In the Spades group, we had Tim Jones, Mike Evans, Andy
Pinner, Big Pax Mason, and Chris Malburg. Tim and Pax tied, with Tim
winning the tie breaker. Mike Evans and Tim Jones advanced from this
In the second round robin, Topher finished with 2 points,
Tim Jones finished with 3 points, Jimmy Smith finished with 6 points, and in
what many might consider a stunner, Mike Evans wins the tournament with 7
points. I was watching the matches and Mike was spot-on this day and
deserved to advance to the Regionals on Saturday, November 1st in
Grand Rapids.
In what can only be described as great sportsmanship (or in
this case, sportswomanship), Lisa has agreed to let Carol Dobek represent our
league in Grand Rapids so she could be there with Mike.
In addition, I'd like to thank the spectators that stopped
by to cheer on our darters and a big thanks to Airway Lanes for opening up
their venue for this event. We were able to use the 8 new wall mounted
boards upstairs and did not have to bring any of our own boards to the venue.
This saved a LOT of time since we didn't have to set up or tear down boards.
We started at 11:30 AM and were finished by 3:30 PM. The total time of
the tournament was 4 hours. Please note that we will try and start our
qualifier tournaments at 11 AM from now on, when the venue is able to open
that early.
Best of luck to Carol and Mike in Grand Rapids.
Michael Abbott
NODA ADO Representative
Saturday November 1, 2008
at the Crossing
(formerly Westwood Ranch)
5760 W River Rd NE
Belmont, MI 49306
Region IV-4 will be sending 1 woman & 1 man to the
"Las Vegas Open"
January 23, 2009
Las Vegas, NV
Players compete for Nat'l titles, $, &
have an opportunity to win $10,000