North Oakland Darting Association

(Local Qualifier)

(In order to compete in this tournament you must currently be on a NODA team or have paid a current Full Years Dues)
There was NO COST ($0.00) to enter this Tournament.

This Local Qualifier was held Saturday
April 2
, 2011
Doors opened at 10:30 a.m. and play started at 11:30 a.m.

Both Men's & Women's 01 Tournaments
Were held at:

Airway Lanes Bowling Center
4825 Highland Rd
Waterford MI 48328

Men's Results
Advances to the Regionals
Steve Barchus
Scott Arkles

Ladies' Results
Advances to the Regionals
Lisa Jones

I’d like to thank Mike Evans for running the 501 All-Star tournament while I was off becoming a Papa (Grandpa; Dakota Lynn Stafford, 8 lbs. 4 oz., and very healthy) that day.  I got the call at 7 am that morning and Mike stepped up to help out. I’d also like to thank Mike Redmond for helping me set up the lights the night before.

Now, on to the tournament.  We had 18 participants in the men's division and 7 women shooting in the women's division.  This is a record turnout since 2006, when I took over as the local ADO coordinator. Congratulations to Steve Barchus and Scott Arkles (From the Youth League) for winning the men's division and to Lisa Jones for winning the ladies' division.  Due to a conflict with another tournament on Saturday, May 21, Lisa will not be able to attend the Regionals.  In her place, NODA will be sending Carol Dobek.

If anyone else is interested in shooting at Regionals, you can still attend by notifying me.  However, you will need to pay the $110 entry fee yourself.

Remember, the local qualifier is free to all current NODA (including Youth League) players.

For the 501 Regional Tournament, our Regional Director, Steve “Skippy” Jordan will not be available.  I have been asked to run the tournament this year.

Good luck to all the NODA players!

Michael Abbott
Region 4-4

(Regional Tournament)
Steve Barchus & Mike Evans for the men and Carol Dobek for the Ladies competed in the ADO Regional Association Playoffs on

May 21, 2011
Doors opened at 11:00 am
Sign Up started at 11:30 am
Play started at 12:00 Noon

The Regional Playoff was held at:
Shiawassee Dog & Gun Club
155 S. Vitrified Tile Rd
Corunna, MI 48817

The actual location of the Shiawassee Dog & Gun Club is on E Corunna Road ( M-21), 17.2 miles West of I-75 (Exit 118), 1.2 miles West of Kerby Road, and 1.2 miles East of State Road on the south side of Corunna Road (M-21). This is about 4.2 miles East of downtown Owosso (M-52).  There is a sign on Corunna Road (M-21) announcing the Shiawassee Dog and Gun Club.
Note: If you enter the coordinates W84°, 05', 33"   N42°, 59', 55" or 3800 E M-21, Corunna, MI 48817 into your map software or GPS unit it should take you right to the head of their driveway.  155 S. Vitrified Tile Rd. is basically a long drive way; a private drive.

Wrap Up (Regional Tournament)

Region 4-4

The Region 4-4 “501 All-Star qualifier” was on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at the Shiawassee Gun and Dog Club in Corunna, MI.  A big thanks goes to the Gun and Dog club for hosting the event as well as the 16 men and 8 women who participated in the event.  This will allow our region to send on 2 men and 1 woman to the Nationals in Stamford, CT on August 12-14.  Also, a special thank you to Pam Stafford for keeping score for the women’s bracket

We broke the men up into two groups, Spades and Clubs.  The women shot in the Hearts bracket.  Shooting in the Hearts group was Carol Dobek (NODA), Sue Cherry (GRDL), Jill Hutchinson (Outlaw DL), Grace Burrows (GRDL), Jenny Jones (GRDL), Stacey Randall (BADA), Mary Beth Collins (Fort Wayne Darters), and Carol “CJ” Kuester (GRDL).

Round 1:
Dobek 2-1 Kuester, Cherry 2-1 Collins, Hutchinson 0-3 Randall, Burrows 1-2 Jones

Round 2:
Dobek 1-2 Jones, Cherry 2-1 Kuester, Hutchinson 0-3 Collins, Burrows 2-1 Randall

Round 3:
Dobek 0-3 Cherry, Hutchinson 0-3 Kuester, Burrows 1-2 Collins, Jones 1-2 Randall

Round 4:
Dobek 1-2 Randall, Cherry 1-2 Hutchinson, Burrrows 1-2 Kuester, Jones 3-0 Collins

Round 5:
Dobek 0-3 Hutchinson, Cherry 2-1 Burrows, Jones 2-1 Kuester, Randall 1-2 Collins

Round 6:
Dobek 1-2 Collins, Cherry 1-2 Jones, Hutchinson 2-1 Burrows, Randall 2-1 Kuester

Round 7:
Dobek 1-2 Burrows, Cherry 1-2 Randall, Hutchinson 1-2 Jones, Collins 1-2 Kuester

Final Scores: Jenny Jones (14), Stacy Randall (13), Sue Cherry (12), Mary Beth Collins (11), Carol Kuester (10), Grace Burrows (10), Jill Hutchinson (8), and Carol Dobek (6).

In the Spades (Mens) Group, we had Tim McVicker (GRDL), A.J. Snyder (GRDL), Larry Cullen (GLDA), Mike Evans (NODA), Craig Burrows (GRDL), Robert Ham Jr. (GRDL), Phil Garmire II (Fort Wayne Darters), and Steve Panuncialman (Indiv.).  The top 2 from this group would advance to the Regional Finals.

Round 1:
McVicker 0-3 Panuncialman, Snyder 1-2 Garmire, Cullen 2-1 Ham, Evans 2-1 Burrows

Round 2:
McVicker 2-1 Burrows, Snyder 0-3 Panuncialman, Cullen 2-1 Garmire, Evans 1-2 Ham

Round 3:
McVicker 1-2 Snyder, Cullen 0-3 Panuncialman, Evans 1-2 Garmire, Burrows 0-3 Ham

Round 4:
McVicker 0-3 Ham, Snyder 0-3 Cullen, Evans 0-3 Panuncialman, Burrows 0-3 Garmire

Round 5:
McVicker 1-2 Cullen, Snyder 2-1 Evans, Burrows 0-3 Panuncialman, Ham 1-2 Garmire

Round 6:
McVicker 1-2 Garmire, Snyder 3-0 Burrows, Cullen 3-0 Evans, Ham 0-3 Panuncialman

Round 7:
McVicker 2-1 Evans, Snyder 2-1 Ham, Cullen 2-1 Burrows, Garmire 2-1 Panuncialman

Final Scores: Steve Panuncialman (19), Phil Garmire (14), Larry Cullen (14), Robert Ham Jr. (11), A.J. Snyder (10), Tim McVicker (7), Mike Evans (6), and Craig Burrows (3).  Phil Garmire defeated Larry Cullen in a 1 game playoff to advance to the Regional Finals.  The tie-breaker game was very close, with both players getting a look at the out.  Robert Ham, A.J. Snyder, and Phil Garmire each shot a 180 in this round.

In the Clubs (Mens) group, we had Frank Detman (Outlaw DL), Dennis Harris (GRDL), Jeremy Previe (GRDL), Steve Barchus (NODA), Jerry Manville (WDA), Joe Brick (GLDA), Bobby Jones (GRDL), and Scott Arkles (NODA).  Once again, the top 2 shooters advanced to the Regional Finals.

Round 1:
Detman 3-0 Arkles, Harris 1-2 Jones, Previe 3-0 Brick, Barchus 2-1 Manville

Round 2:
Detman 3-0 Manville, Harris 0-3 Arkles, Previe 2-1 Jones, Barchus 1-2 Brick

Round 3:
Detman 3-0 Harris, Previe 2-1 Arkles, Barchus 2-1 Jones, Manville 0-3 Brick

Round 4:
Detman 2-1 Brick, Harris 0-3 Previe, Barchus 2-1 Arkles, Manville 1-2 Jones

Round 5:
Detman 2-1 Previe, Harris 0-3 Barchus, Manville 2-1 Arkles, Brick 1-2 Jones

Round 6:
Detman 3-0 Jones, Harris 1-2 Manville, Previe 2-1 Barchus, Brick 2-1 Arkles

Round 7:
Detman 1-2 Barchus, Harris 1-2 Brick, Previe 0-3 Manville, Jones 2-1 Arkles

Final Scores: Frank Detman (17), Jeremy Previe (13), Steve Barchus (13) Joe Brick (11), Bobby Jones (10), Jerry Manville (9), Scott Arkles (8), and Dennis Harris (3).  After completing the first round, Jeremy Previe withdrew, due to illness.  This allowed Steve Barchus to advance to the Regional Finals along with Frank Detman from this group.  Frank Detman, Jerry Manville, and Joe Brick each shot a 180 in this round.

Regional Finals

The Region 4-4 Mens finals consisted of Phil Garmire, Frank Detman, Steve Panuncialman, and Steve Barchus.

Round 1:
Garmire 2-1 Barchus, Detman 0-3 Panuncialman

Round 2:
Garmire 0-3 Panuncialman, Detman 1-2 Barchus

Round 3:
Garmire 1-2 Detman

Panuncialman 3-0 Barchus

Final Scores: Steve Panuncialman (9), Phil Garmire (3), Frank Detman (3), and Steve Barchus (3).  A single game of 501 was played between Garmire, Detmer, and Barchus to determine positions 2-4.  Finishing first was Frank Detmer, with Phil Garmire finishing second.  There were no 180’s thrown in the finals.

Congratulations to Steve Panuncialman, Frank Detman, and Jenny Jones.  You will be representing Region 4-4 in Stamford, CT.

I would like to take a brief moment to congratulate all the other participants as well.  Without your support, the Regional Playoffs would not have been as successful as they were.  No matter where you placed, you all deserved to be shooting that day.  Even if you did not shoot as well as you had hoped, the level of competition at Regional Playoffs can only make you a better player.

Respectfully Submitted,
Michael Abbott
NODA ADO Representative
Acting Region Representative for Steve Jordan (4-4)

All Star Challenge and 501 Singles Championship
August 12, 2011
at the All-Star Challenge
Stamford, CT

Players compete for National titles, and have an opportunity to win $10,000.
Click Here to view the National Playoff stats